Due to a death in the family, blogging will be light to nil this week.
Faith, Books, and Stuff
It’s not as nefarious as it sounds. It was the middle of the depression and my grandpa Roy had a small farm. In the middle of the night he heard some racket, and saw someone riding off on a horse. The stranger had one of my grandpa’s pigs under his arm. So grandpa grabbed his […]
Steel’s Used Christian Books has one of the absolute best selections of any used bookstore I have ever seen. Not only do they carry religious books of several orthodox and non-orthodox Christian denominations, as well as complete other religions. They also carry books on history, mythology, and various other odds and ends. When I was […]
One of the ways you can tell whether a car belongs to a man or a woman is to look at the rear-view mirror. For a guy, a rear-view mirror is for looking at things behind him, and, just maybe, a parking pass. For a woman, a rear-view mirror is gallery waiting to be populated. […]
My friend Kay has written an article regarding donuts; I take exception to her spelling ‘doughnuts,’ but she is the one with the journalism degree and I am the one who dropped out of art school. Her site is kayhoflander.com, but here is a direct link to the article. Personally, I love donuts. It’s not […]
My wife Heather has posted a funny and extensive story about her many jury duty experiences over the past few years over at her blog. I’ve never had to go to jury duty, but I was subpoenaed to appear as a special witness a few years ago because I had worked with the local police to draw […]
“It goes so slow, but if you jump straight up you won’t move an inch.”
My friend Kaleb notices everything. EVERYTHING. I found this out a few years ago when I started my job. I got up as usual one morning, got dressed, got in my car and went to work. When I stepped out of my car, I looked down and noticed that I had put on two different […]
The myth: Jurors are picked randomly. That is, the procedure that picks prospective jurors is done by a computer that randomly selects names from a list of all of those who live in a certain county, city, town, state. This is why I believe this myth to be false: I have been served with jury duty notice 4 times […]
A better title might be Dan vs. Sheer Boredom. Guess who wins? Monsters vs. Aliens is an overlong slapstick and booger joke with no character development, no emotion, and few laughs. I saw it for free and I still got ripped off. However, to be truthful, it is funnier than getting cancer. Probably.