
Faith, Books, and Stuff


I was sending a text to my woman, and I was in the process of typing “nuh-uh.” I got as far as “nu-” and my Razr suggested this word: nugatory. I thought some funny programmer had inserted his favorite duuuuude-speak version of negatory, but I was wrong. It’s an adjective of Latin origin meaning “of no […]


v. remember imperfectly or incorrectly Brian used this word, and we didn’t think it was a real word. However, it seemed like a perfectly accurate and descriptive word and I fully intended to steal it. But when I checked the dictionary, it turned out it is a real word.

I.T. Toolkit

Lots of places that sell computer and computer accessories also sell “computer toolkits.” I put that in quotes because they are kind of a joke, consisting of one useful tool and a bunch of useless stuff you will never use. If you work on computers or plan to, here is the list of items in […]