
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Tag: cooking

Christmas 2011 Thank Yous

Ran into my friend Logan last summer. He apologized for not having replied to my email–from two years ago. He said he started a reply, but every time he went to send it he ended up revising it and  it is still in his Drafts folder. It sounded funny at the time, but I now […]

I made pie

I made my first two pies this weekend. I’ve been re-reading Pascale LeDraolec’s American Pie (nothing to do with movie of the same name). It chronicle’s the author’s drive across America looking for pie, and it includes a bunch of pie recipes. My first two attempts were marriage pies (pies containing two different but complementary […]

MadMan Dan’s Emerald Isle Stew

Just in time for Christmas New Year’s! You wanna make some yourself? Here’s the recipe: MadMan Dan’s Emerald Isle Stew 6 potatoes 5 carrots 5 sticks of celery 6 leeks 1-3 lb lamb shank / leg of lamb salt pepper thyme, (chopped fresh thyme is best, but dried is doable) chicken broth fresh parsley Hardware […]

Review: Julie & Julia

I just finished staying up with Heather watching Julie & Julia, a 2009 movie about two women: Julie Powell, as she spends a year cooking her way through all the recipes in Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking while living in post-9/11 New York with her husband. It also tells the story of Julia […]