
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: words


“Slumgum in beekeeping is the residue of the beeswax rendering process. When the beeswax from brood comb is rendered to produce clean wax, it leaves behind the pupal lining, wax moth cocoons, excrement from larvae, and other residual debris included in the original material.” from Wikipedia For extra fun, do a Google image search for “slum […]


When I was growing up I remember hearing the term ‘grease zert,’ and I just assumed it was a made-up word. While my dad was skilled at a lot of things (drawing, aviation, mechanics,welding), he was not always known to handle the English language in a manner consistent with the generally agreed upon principles of usage […]

Literally literally does not mean literally

“Update: Graham’s spokesperson has clarified to Bloomberg that when Graham said “I would literally use the military to keep them in if I had to,” that statement was “not to be taken literally.” Glad that’s been cleared up.” –from’s article about Lindsey Graham. They don’t say it, but people who don’t understand what literally […]


“The name boobam was coined in Mill Valley, California in 1954 and was described as “bamboo spelled sideways”.” –from the Wikipedia article on the awesomely named instrument. Update: I was reviewing my blog posts and figured I ought to clarify the pronunciation of this instrument. It should be pronounced like too separate words, with the […]