
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Author: heather

My oldest.

I love my children very much but I love them even more when they unintentionally make me laugh. I had just returned home from picking my oldest up from pre-school. The whole way home she had been intently looking at herself in the side mirror. “Honey what are you doing.” “Mom my teacher told me […]

New Posts

Okay, I am back and ready to post… well I will try to get back to it. My husband has taught me how to schedule a post to be published later so that I can write several and then have them update regularly. I am such a newbie. Sorry for the delay I hope to […]

Favorite website #1

My husband finds some of the best websites (and gets me hooked on them) and I will share them all with you. I love this website because it updates several times during the day and the posts are very interesting. Not every post is something that I am interested in but about 80-85% of […]