
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: art

Fake Jade

“Fake jade artifacts can be divided into 4 catagories:- Grade A, intends to fool experts. Grade B, intends to fool unaware collectors. Grade C, intends to fool new collectors. Grade D, intends to fool tourists.” –found online when I was searching for info about jade.

VBS Development Diary #12: Costumes

I spent 2 hours in a fabric store yesterday and it was awesome. Lemme ‘splain! We were shopping for fabric for costumes. I don’t know fabric–I have always avoided any kind of textile work because it seems tedious to me–except for that one time I made a Nightcrawler plushie. So we’re trying to find fabric […]

VBS 2013 Development Diary: #8: Logo

This is a pretty graphic-heavy post. When I first start working on a logo, I trial several fonts in Linotype FontExplorer, then I try them out  in Illustrator to see which ones I like best, looking for things like readability, tone, and flavor. This lets me see which fonts I might want:       […]

Review: Brave

We saw Pixar’s Brave last weekend. It was OK. I didn’t love or hate the movie; it was just fine. Really, it just seemed like pretty much every other Disney princess movie: I’m a young princess, I don’t want to do any thing I don’t feel like doing, I am willing to do bad things […]

Quotable: Brad Bird

In the February 2007 Spline Cast, Spline Doctors Andrew Gordon and Adam Bergen interviewed Brad Bird, where they posed this question: SD: On that kind of same path, what is it that separates good CG animation from absolutely amazing CG animation, in your opinion? BB: Well, you know, are we staying purely on the topic of animation, or […]

Superheroes in brown

Superheroes and superheroines can wear a lot of colors: red, blue, yellow, and to a lesser extent, green. Sometimes black* or white or silver or gold. Villains corner the market on most of the black, as well as green, orange, and purple. Funny that heroes use largely primary colors, while villains largely use secondary. But […]