
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Month: December 2008

An Amazon Christmas

I love Christmas. In fact I would have to say that this is my favorite time of year. Not because of the presents that you give and receive, but because this is the time of year that I get to see extended family. Now, my family are not Amazons as the title indicates; I just thought […]


n. An American portmanteau of the Old English word snow and the latter half of the Japanese word tsunami. Coined by my friend Chris, it describes a snowfall of epic proportions. While it may be used literally (“Man, Nebraska just got hit with a snownami! They got eight feet of snow!”), it is more frequently […]

My diet…

So, you may wonder how my diet is going or you may care less. But I plan on telling you anyway. I had recently went to the doctors to get a physical for this new job I have and when I stepped on the scales I about cried out in horror. After I got back […]

I’m sick

Not Martian Death Flu sick, as described by Dave Barry, but sick nonetheless. I’ve certainly felt worse; back in April I was so sick I remember crawling between the X-Box and the couch. I am taking Zicam, as advised by my pastor’s wife, and between it and prayer I am doing much better.