
Faith, Books, and Stuff

My diet…

So, you may wonder how my diet is going or you may care less. But I plan on telling you anyway.

I had recently went to the doctors to get a physical for this new job I have and when I stepped on the scales I about cried out in horror. After I got back in the care I actually did cry because I was back at my heaviest weight. For you who don’t know this about three years ago I had decided to start eating better (no carbs) because I was considered obese (the doc may have even referred to me as morbidly obese but I try to forget that) and I decided that day to start eating better and getting more exercise. In a six and a half month period I was able to lose seventy-five pounds. I felt better, I looked better and I was happier overall. That summer something happened within my family that broke my will to be healthier. Why, you ask? Because, you see I am a stress eater. I get comfort from food. Some may not understand this so let me tell you what I have learned about myself. All throughout my life the best times were times when all the family was together (holidays) and of course there is a ton of food around. I (subconsciously) equate food to being happy. In other words when I am stressed, sad, or angry I eat. My brain tells me that I will be happy if I just eat that Ding Dong. 

It has taken me about three years to put back on that weight and I find myself ready to start over. Believe me it was a hard choice especially since Monday December 8, 2008 was my beginning date. My birthday, anniversary, Christmas, and New Year were/are all mocking my choice but I have to do this. If I don’t, I see myself on a continual weight gain until I die a huge blob.  I don’t want that (I should probably put in here that neither does my family).

I have decided to write about my progress, or lack of, on this blog because I believe it will help me stick to my plan of losing 100 pounds by the end of next summer. I know that this may seem like a lot but in all actuality it is only around two to three pounds per week and I have a lot to lose. As of this posting, Monday December 22, 2008 I have lost a total of six pounds.

Please pray for my continual success because I will not be able to do this alone and God has been a true factor in the past. If I have done this right I will post a picture at the end of the post and and updated picture throughout.


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