
Faith, Books, and Stuff

An Amazon Christmas

I love Christmas. In fact I would have to say that this is my favorite time of year. Not because of the presents that you give and receive, but because this is the time of year that I get to see extended family. Now, my family are not Amazons as the title indicates; I just thought I would start this blog by telling you that I love Christmas.

On to the real reason for this post.

My Dad lives in North/South Carolina and every year we anticipate the presents that he sends our way. This year was no different and when THREE boxes arrived I thought, “How did he know that I was such a good girl this year?” I unboxed our gifts and was amazed to find a total of 18 presents all from the Amazon store. “Wow, I was a really good girl this year and I am my father’s favorite middle child!”

Christmas morning, after working my shift from 11pm to 7am I arrived home anxious to see what I had received from ‘Santa’. Now even though my usual schedule consists of coming home and going straight to bed I knew that the girls couldn’t wait that long. (Okay, neither could I) So we all gathered in the living room and Daniel, my husband, started passing out gifts. In our household we open gifts one at a time so that we can enjoy each others surprises. We had gotten through about half what was under the tree and Daniel passed me my next present. As I tore into the wrapping paper I got a funny feeling of deja vu. There in my hands was the exact same book that I had just unwrapped a few minutes before.

Hmmmm? Maybe, Daddy hadn’t realized that he had ordered the same book while shopping online. That is okay because I can return it and get a different one later.

ON TO MORE PRESENTS! We continued on and it seemed that there were a lot more presents that were the same shape and size as each other.

You know how you try not to get duplicate presents for those  you buy for? Well, that is all fine and dandy as long as the store you buy them from doesn’t mess up and send duplicates for you. Amazon decided that it would make our Christmas twice as much fun by sending us a double order of presents from my father. It was great!! Now we just need to decide what to do with them.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas that they you have a great and safe New Year.

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