
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Month: August 2009

Put your John Henry on this

One malaprop that drives me crazy is when people say, “Put your John Henry on this.” What they intend to say is, “Put your John Hancock on this.” This idiom comes from John Hancock, the last signer of the Declaration of Independence, who signed his name in a large, flourishing script. John Henry, however, is […]

Swine Flue / H1N1

You can’t call it Swine Flu anymore. It’s H1N1, ever since U.S. pork producers lobbied to have it changed. The difference between the terms ‘Swine Flu’ and ‘H1N1’ is that Swine Flu just rolls off the tongue, while Aitch One En One does not. I therefore propose the following pronunciation for the overhyped malady: pronounce […]