n., presumably means, ‘malfunctioning.’ A customer called the other day saying, “This darn computer is fizzlesprung.”
Faith, Books, and Stuff
Tag: made-up words
So I learned another word in my sleep. Quite some time ago I posted how I had learned a word in my sleep–pickle-faced–and it was a word I hadn’t ever heard until my dream. Two nights ago it happened again. In my dream the word wasn’t explained. “I killed three buntos,” the guy said. When […]
verb, adjective; to face a chair toward a wall and/or turn its back to a person. Example: “She’s pickle-faced her chair and won’t come out.” The word, its usage, and the example I just used came to me in a dream last night. After some research I have found out that it is actually a […]
You can’t call it Swine Flu anymore. It’s H1N1, ever since U.S. pork producers lobbied to have it changed. The difference between the terms ‘Swine Flu’ and ‘H1N1’ is that Swine Flu just rolls off the tongue, while Aitch One En One does not. I therefore propose the following pronunciation for the overhyped malady: pronounce […]
adjective, pronounced phonetically. I learned this word from my wife, who I suppose coined it, as I haven’t seen it anywhere else. It means “at a wrong angle, misaligned, uneven, out of level, out of plumb, and/or out of square.” UPDATE: one of my readers pointed out that woppyjarred appears to be a corruption of […]
So I’m working and I hear this guy use the word ‘afterneath,’ as in “there is some stuff afterneath this other stuff.” I’ve never heard that word beforeneath now.