
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Swine Flue / H1N1

You can’t call it Swine Flu anymore. It’s H1N1, ever since U.S. pork producers lobbied to have it changed.

The difference between the terms ‘Swine Flu’ and ‘H1N1’ is that Swine Flu just rolls off the tongue, while Aitch One En One does not. I therefore propose the following pronunciation for the overhyped malady: pronounce the 1’s as i’s, and it comes out as Heinie Flu.

I’m sure it’s a clever compromise, and will work well until the National Proctological Association and/or Union of Thong Manufacturers releases their hordes of indignant lobbyists.

I know a lot of you out there are hoping I will take this opportunity to make a Sir Mix-A-Lot joke, but I will not. This is a serious matter.

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