
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Carl Trueman & Aimee Byrd on Boredom

CARL: When you say that you’re bored what do you mean by that? Are there are no libraries to go to? Are there no have books to read? Are there no languages to learn? Are there no places to visit? AIMEE: I know when my kids say, ‘I’m bored,’ that means they don’t have access to entertainment. […]

One More Ride: Chapter 7: Home

Norville took the long way home. It gave him time to think and to reflect, he told himself. It gave him time to avoid responsibility, he knew. Norville was tired of being responsible. Not that he was tired of being held responsible for things, but simply tired of being reliable. Why couldn’t he have just stayed […]

I was on Iron Chef America

It’s true, though you never saw the episode–and never will. Obviously they had to sample my cooking, which was no big deal. They loved my chili. Then I had to audition, which kind of shattered my reality TV illusion. They didn’t love my acting (who does?), but they gave me a chance to take some […]