For those of you who didn’t know, yesterday was Heather’s birthday. I can’t say how old she is, but I will say she has been with me almost half her life.
Faith, Books, and Stuff
Tag: Heather
Once, Heather and the girls went out of town for Thanksgiving; I was stuck at home because I had to work. But before Heather left, she made a chocolate cake. So I had cake for breakfast that first day. When I came home for lunch, I didn’t feel like cooking, so I had chocolate cake […]
Yay! Heather is ditching her blog and joining MadMania. I’ve already imported all the posts from her old site, and I’ll get to work soon on setting posts to display the author so as to minimize confusion.
adjective, pronounced phonetically. I learned this word from my wife, who I suppose coined it, as I haven’t seen it anywhere else. It means “at a wrong angle, misaligned, uneven, out of level, out of plumb, and/or out of square.” UPDATE: one of my readers pointed out that woppyjarred appears to be a corruption of […]
When my wife and I were dating, she was still playing tennis. She said she had an 85 mile-an hour-backhand. I don’t know jack about sports, so I just filed the factoid away. Anyway, we were out on the court, and I was throwing tennis balls across the fence so she could hit them. You […]