
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Tag: kids

Tales from Hop-Hop Land: Chapter 1

One of my children used to have an imaginary friend, a rabbit named Hop-Hop Bunny, who had a brother named Hop-Hop. They were from Hop-Hop Land (I know you didn’t see that coming). We heard several Hop-Hop Bunny stories from the time our daughter was in preschool through first grade. One day we were working […]

My eyes

I walked outside. It was September, cool, and overcast. Suddenly, the sun jumped out from its cloudy cover. I squinted against the sudden brightness. “Ow!” said a small child, experiencing the same thing. “What?” asked his mother. “That burns my eyes!” he replied. Never had I wanted so much to blurt out: “The goggles! They […]


“I snuck a beer.” The guy who told me this looked to be about 6 years old. He didn’t say it like he was bragging. “Are you supposed to be drinking beer?” I asked him. “No,” he said. “I poured it out. I thought my mom was going to smell my breath.”

Share everything

Several years ago a friend of mine was eating some chips. His five year old son (who was supposed to be getting in bed), came up behind him. “Can I have some of your chips?” “No.” His son paused for a few seconds and then said: “The Bible says you have to share everything.” My […]