
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Month: March 2013

Event ID 4010 with LPR printing

If you ever have to set up LPR printing through Microsoft Windows, you may experience a problem where the print job leaves the host computer, hits the print server, but doesn’t make it to the printer. Checking the event log on the print server may return the following error: “The Line Printer Daemon (LPD) service […]

Yes, literally

A couple of years ago a guy who worked for me had a toe thumb. I mean, he literally had a toe for a thumb–his big toe, to be specific. He had gotten his hand caught in a wood chipper and had lost parts of most of his fingers and his entire thumb. Doctors removed one […]


For years I have used and taught a maxim that our Pastor taught me regarding whether or not I should say what I am thinking: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? And by “used” I mean “I have tried to use this but sometimes I find myself speaking before I think and […]

Kansas City Snow Update

For years I have publicly criticized Kansas City and Jackson County for doing a poor/inadequate/shoddy job of clearing snow from their streets and roads, especially when smaller and poorer Lafayette County could seem to get theirs cleared. I make no apologies for that. However, when I went to work last Wednesday it was Lafayette whose […]