
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Thanks, fatties

So because America decided to be a nation of big fat fatties, I can’t get a soda at work.

Back in 2009 my company cracked down on smokers, eliminating the last on-site outdoor smoking area, and relegating smokers to the bus stop across the street. I wondered how long before they cracked down on other vices, and it began at the beginning of the year–you can no longer purchase any soda on campus that isn’t a diet soda.

I don’t actually drink much soda any more. I used to drink between one and three a day, but now I might have one every one to two weeks, and even then I can’t even finish it usually. But sometimes all I need is just a little jigger of real soda, and no quantity of diet soda will satisfy that craving.

At least I can still get various forms of sugar-filled carbohydrates at several locations on campus.

For now.

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