
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Event ID 4010 with LPR printing

If you ever have to set up LPR printing through Microsoft Windows, you may experience a problem where the print job leaves the host computer, hits the print server, but doesn’t make it to the printer. Checking the event log on the print server may return the following error:

“The Line Printer Daemon (LPD) service could not satisfy the request from x.x.x.x, most likely because of network problems. Check network connectivity between the two computers.”

If you check the Microsoft Windows Server Technet article, Microsoft suggests the following:

  •  The printer IP address or subnet is wrong
  • There are DNS problems

The other possibility, which Microsoft fails to mention, is that you have to check one important option when configuring the port on printer on the host computer:


configure-lprYou must check the ‘LPR Byte Counting Enabled’ checkbox. This excellent article explains why.


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