
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: stuff


Ever wonder why your dad tend to dress funny and act uncool? I’ll tell ya. Your dad used to be cool. In fact, I’d wager he still is, despite his outward appearances and actions. Think, McFly, think: how else did he snag your mom? By being cool. However, he found out something: being cool has […]

Bathtub Cheese

Mexican-style soft cheese, often made in bathtubs, galvanized tubs, PVC pipes and sold door-to-door or at street stands and small markets. It is frequently made from unpasteurized milk, and because of the questionable manufacturing process may contain a number of bacteria, including e.coli, salmonella, and tuberculosis. You can read more about it here, where you […]

Dish soap

We have four bottles of dish soap. I’m not hoarding, I wasn’t stocking up for the snonami, and we don’t have individual dish soap preferences. It simply comes down to this: doing the dishes is our daughters’ job. They don’t like to do dishes. Heck, I don’t like to do dishes, either–that’s why I had […]