
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Dish soap

We have four bottles of dish soap.

I’m not hoarding, I wasn’t stocking up for the snonami, and we don’t have individual dish soap preferences. It simply comes down to this: doing the dishes is our daughters’ job. They don’t like to do dishes. Heck, I don’t like to do dishes, either–that’s why I had kids.

But running out of dish soap is their favorite excuse for not doing the dishes. It’s my least favorite because it is the only true reason for not getting them done. If I come home and the dishes aren’t done, but there’s no dish soap, what am I going to do? Go back out and go to the store after driving for the last 90 minutes? No, no I’m not.

So the dishes don’t get done that day. It’s doubtful I will remember the next day either, and by the time I remember we are buried. Then I have to saddle someone with the awful chore of digging us back out.

So the solution is to just buy Dawn every time I go to the store.

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