
Faith, Books, and Stuff

World Backup Day

Today is World Backup Day, when we celebrate by backing up the data on our computers.

In reality, you should be doing this regularly, but you probably aren’t. You probably have all kinds of lame excuses, like the cost of hard drives, you don’t have time, it’s too hard, whatever. Most people don’t take backups seriously until they lose a bunch of data, or lose a bunch of money by almost losing a bunch of data.

It might seem that I’m acting against my own best interest as an IT guy by exhorting you to ensure that your data is backed up, but it’s not true. You don’t see oncologists encouraging people to get cancer, do you? No. Our purposes are much alike in that we want things to be perfect, we don’t want to see people lose data or get cancer, but since it is inevitable, we try to minimize the pain, treat the symptoms, and hopefully cure the problem.

You don’t need to back up all of your data–just the data you want to keep.

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