
Faith, Books, and Stuff


Ever wonder why your dad tend to dress funny and act uncool? I’ll tell ya.

Your dad used to be cool. In fact, I’d wager he still is, despite his outward appearances and actions. Think, McFly, think: how else did he snag your mom?

By being cool.

However, he found out something: being cool has a downside. You probably already know about the hordes of shallow friends that cool people at school have; dads don’t have that particular problem. So what is the problem that drives them to wear stupid shoes, sweater vests, polyester pants, and Brylcream?

Their daughters.

Daughters know when their dads are cool or not. And when they are, their daughters take their stuff. Ghostbusters and G.I. Joe shirts? Gone. Weathered cargo pants? Gone. Hair gel? All gone. Clear gel deodorant? Really? Even my deo? Gone, all four sticks.

Most dads handle this the way most people deal with bad stuff:

  1. Denial. “All of my cool shirts and hair gel can’t just be disappearing.”
  2. Anger. “Whoever keeps stealing all my shirts and deodorant is going to get dish duty for a week!”
  3. Blame. “You kids keep stealing my stuff!”
  4. Bargaining. “Can I please have my stuff back?”
  5. Acceptance. “I’ll just go to the Goodwill and pick up some polyester.”

Note: this strategy works as long as your kids aren’t stupid hipsters.

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