
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: humor

Best 4th of July ever

My favorite 4th of July memory happened the summer after I turned 12. We were over at the house of one of my Dad’s friends, a loud German guy named Bob. Bob lived in Kansas, and despite the state’s reputation for flatness, Bob lived on an amazingly steep hill. Both his front and back yards sloped […]

But I won’t do that

1993 saw the out-of-nowhere comeback of Meat Loaf with his hit I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That). According to Mr. Loaf, ‘What is “that?” is one of the questions he is most frequently asked, and Jim Steinman, the songwriter, says that there are several clues as to what ‘that‘ is […]


I recently worked on a computer for someone. While I was there, the guy was at another desk eating his lunch. It sounded like this: munch munch Munch Munch MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH with his mouth open smick smack smick smack munch munch MUNCH MUNCH While I continued to type away clickity typity clickity typity […]

Tales from Hop-Hop Land: Chapter 1

One of my children used to have an imaginary friend, a rabbit named Hop-Hop Bunny, who had a brother named Hop-Hop. They were from Hop-Hop Land (I know you didn’t see that coming). We heard several Hop-Hop Bunny stories from the time our daughter was in preschool through first grade. One day we were working […]