
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: Uncategorized

My oldest.

I love my children very much but I love them even more when they unintentionally make me laugh. I had just returned home from picking my oldest up from pre-school. The whole way home she had been intently looking at herself in the side mirror. “Honey what are you doing.” “Mom my teacher told me […]

New Posts

Okay, I am back and ready to post… well I will try to get back to it. My husband has taught me how to schedule a post to be published later so that I can write several and then have them update regularly. I am such a newbie. Sorry for the delay I hope to […]

Favorite website #1

My husband finds some of the best websites (and gets me hooked on them) and I will share them all with you. I love this website because it updates several times during the day and the posts are very interesting. Not every post is something that I am interested in but about 80-85% of […]


It has been a while since my last post (yes dear and thank you for the prompt) and as I was awake this morning I have decided to update. But before I do let me apologize for my laziness (or more accurately, my tiredness). Anyone who says that you get used to working at night has lied […]

An Amazon Christmas

I love Christmas. In fact I would have to say that this is my favorite time of year. Not because of the presents that you give and receive, but because this is the time of year that I get to see extended family. Now, my family are not Amazons as the title indicates; I just thought […]

My diet…

So, you may wonder how my diet is going or you may care less. But I plan on telling you anyway. I had recently went to the doctors to get a physical for this new job I have and when I stepped on the scales I about cried out in horror. After I got back […]