
Faith, Books, and Stuff


It has been a while since my last post (yes dear and thank you for the prompt) and as I was awake this morning I have decided to update. But before I do let me apologize for my laziness (or more accurately, my tiredness). Anyone who says that you get used to working at night has lied to you. I have mentioned this before and still stand by it, I LOVE my sleep.

Okay, on to business! 

Today, is Thursday January 29, 2008 and I have been on my diet for 6 1/2 weeks. Of those weeks the first 4 were the hardest for me. I have had to retrain how I deal with stress and turn to something other then food. The one blessing that I have seen in working at night is that I hardly have time for eating (normally). I usually sleep until 4:30 pm and get up to have dinner with my family. I then don’t sit down and eat another meal until about 3:00 am and then I get home at 8:30 am and got to sleep. During all the other hours of the day I am either sleeping or moving at a high rate of speed trying to get my baking done or resting at home with my family. I try to have healthy snacks several times while I am awake and find that I really don’t NEED to eat as much/often.  What I do eat is a lot healthier then what I had been putting into my body. This includes a lot of salads, fresh fruits and vegetables (when I can get them) and lots of meat. I have totally cut out useless carbs such as bread, pasta, pastries, corn etc. My body seems to love this sort of stuff and won’t let go of it as easily as others can so I have decided to stay away from them. I still drink milk and I take a multi vitamin that includes a ton of vitamins and minerals. One of the key things is that I am moving a lot more then I used to. My husband has commented that he can see the weight loss in my legs, hind end, and waist while I,  on the other hand, see it in my face, neck, and ankles (isn’t that a funny spot). I have also noticed it in how my clothes are fitting. I don’t have to suck in to zip and fasten my pants and my unmentionables are much more loose. The cool thing is I  can see the difference. It was always discouraging (WOW I spelled that right!) in the past to work so hard and not see any difference or see a very slow weight loss. So….

The grand totally as of today is…. 23 pounds! I have been weighing myself at home and at work because one of them is off cause I always get a different weight. The one at home is a cheapy one from Walmart and the other is one that a doctors office would use (but much older). My start weight was different on both of them but the amount lost is within 1-3 pounds difference. One says I have lost 25 and the other says 22 so I just averaged them. I tell people that I have lost about 20 cause I don’t want to lie or misrepresent my loss. Plus I don’t get over confident and think that I can eat a donut or something. So, thank you all for your prayers (although I think my husband is the only one reading this) and continual support. I will update some more below this so make sure to read on.

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