
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Quotable: John Moltz on Acrylic’s sale to Facebook

“Of course, if Google or Facebook or Microsoft or Victor Von Doom showed up at my door with a big sack full of money and another sack full of blow and another sack full of hot cosplayers, rest assured I would jump into the car with them without a single care about whether I had left on the […]

Fus Do Clean!

So I was cleaning my study. I hate cleaning. But once in a while, usually while on vacation, I get this urge to clean. Everything. Yes, I’ve seen the meme. The problem with me cleaning, even when I am enjoying it, is that I clean the way I play Skyrim. No, I don’t mean I enter […]

Christmas 2011 Thank Yous

Ran into my friend Logan last summer. He apologized for not having replied to my email–from two years ago. He said he started a reply, but every time he went to send it he ended up revising it and  it is still in his Drafts folder. It sounded funny at the time, but I now […]

Logos: Ruckman Edition

Logos has long been known for making some of the best Bible study software on the market. They make a number of different packages, designed to match price and needed resources. However, most of their package require the belief a knowledge of Hebrew and Greek–and that exhaustive resources by individuals skilled in those languages– might be […]