
Faith, Books, and Stuff

…and no TV make Dan something something…

So losing my TV has made me more productive (duh). Sunday night I read to the girls seven chapters of The Lady in the Lake by Raymond Chandler, Monday night I picked The Baby up from tennis and we went driving around. Tuesday night I went home and cleaned parts of my office, living room, dining room, and kitchen (parts of all, all of none) (see this post).

I would have gotten more done, but doing more takes money. Sitting on the couch playing X-Box costs virtually nothing, just a little electricity. Doing stuff–fixing the sink, cleaning the house, changing the oil in the cars, all cost money. Of course the trade-off is real productivity–smithing in Skyrim nets you nothing in real life, whereas fixing the sink saves you money and makes you a better steward of your resources.

Last night I helped an older couple with a couple of computer problems then came home and got a lot of work done on a friend’s blog, then read some more Chandler to the girls and drew a picture for the oldest.

I seem to be handling the DT’s OK so far. But I think it makes me more tired, doing more work instead of slouching down relaxing, but last night I must have finally slept enough to catch up on sleep–I woke up irreparably awake today at 4:15.

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