Questioner: “How do you deal with writers block? Seinfeld: “Writer’s block is a phony, made up, BS excuse for not doing your work.” from a recent AMA at
Faith, Books, and Stuff
Month: January 2014
CUSTOMER: I need some more space on my system because I’m trying to send some attachments and it says they are too big. ME: How big are the attachments? CUSTOMER: They are eight ME: Eight… CUSTOMER: Eight…BTUs ME: …(stifling laughter) CUSTOMER: Wait–eight MBs ME: Oh, OK. I increased the customer’s mailbox size so that she […]
A few years ago while I was mourning over a recent death I went out to see my friend and mentor, The Bob. As we kicked around the farm doing random chores we took cover from the frigid January rain inside one of his many out-buildings. Very seriously he said, “I wish I could hurt […]
There is only one G.I. Joe figure from the classic 1980’s toy line whose underwear preference is listed on the toy packaging: Snake Eyes. I don’t know why they did that–probably because as a wolf-owning ninja Snake Eyes is so awesome that they had to have something (apart from his inability to speak) to bring […]
n., British slang term for the police. If you watch Top Gear U.K., you have likely heard James May use this term several times, as in ‘The rozzers are behind me.’ “From ‘Robert’, after Sir Robert Peel (1788–1850), commonly considered the father of modern policing, and who established the Metropolitan Police Force in London (1829). […]
If you have an HP LaserJet M600 / M603 and you are getting a “50.32.11 Fuser Error” or “50.72.11 Fuser Error,” you will probably find that there isn’t any info on how to fix this error on HP’s site, and replacing the fuser may not work either. Each time I was inserting the fuser the […]
My dad once told me the story of his uncle Delmar’s car: “Your uncle Delmar never had kids, so of course he had lots of money. Back in the 60s this racecar driver told Mercury that he wanted them to make him a car, and Mercury figured that if they had to make one, the […]
When I was laid off in the last recession I would pick up my daughter and my friend’s son from preschool. My friend isn’t know for his mechanical expertise–he’s an amazing musician, but you do not want him working on your car. Or water heater. Or, well, anything that requires tools, which was good as […]