
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Knowing is half the battle

There is only one G.I. Joe figure from the classic 1980’s toy line whose underwear preference is listed on the toy packaging: Snake Eyes. I don’t know why they did that–probably because as a wolf-owning ninja Snake Eyes is so awesome that they had to have something (apart from his inability to speak) to bring him down to earth to make it seem like he isn’t vastly cooler than every other figure except Zartan. Reminds me of how Bram Stoker did the same thing to Abraham Van Helsing, sticking him with that ridiculous Dutch accent.

Still don’t believe me about the underwear thing?

Read it and weep:

snakeeyes85fmoca0425Too bad the choice of ‘commando’ just made a wolf-owning ninja even cooler.

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