
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Month: September 2009


“I snuck a beer.” The guy who told me this looked to be about 6 years old. He didn’t say it like he was bragging. “Are you supposed to be drinking beer?” I asked him. “No,” he said. “I poured it out. I thought my mom was going to smell my breath.”

Onomatopoeias and ulterior motives

Someone pointed out to me that I hadn’t disclosed the entire story in my previous post. The truth is, my friend’s real name isn’t Logan; we just call him that because he looks like Wolverine. To that end, he is the recipient of lots of Weapon X-related teasing. Like the day I looked at his hand […]

Caves and onomatopoeia

So I was talking to my friend Logan, who is also a logophile (pronounced LOG-o-FILE). “What’s your favorite onomatopoeia?” I asked him. First, logophiles like words, and not logs, and second, in case you’ve forgotten your middle school English class, an onomatopoeia (ON-o-MOT-o-PEE-uh) is a word that is formed from a sound, like buzz, zip, […]

Chili season has begun

Sunday I made the first batch of chili of autumn. I know it’s not properly autumn yet, but tell that to our pumpkins that have been orange for a month. If you don’t know me, I like to cook. I specifically like to cook chili. I started making it 11 years ago, and when I […]