
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Month: July 2009


I recently upgraded a computer for a woman, a pale brunette with a Slavic accent. Imagine if Bela Lugosi had a daughter with Lydia from Beetlejuice. “Do you need to be set up as an administrator?” I asked her. “Yes,” she began. And then a dark, conspiratorial, accented whisper: “I want all de powa!”

Hardwood, books & movies

I love books, and have for a long time. I think a lot of it stems from when I was a kid, when we would go to the mall. Mom and my brother would go somewhere, and dad and I would go to the bookstore. I don’t know what dad was looking at, but I […]


Pronounced SHIB-ol-eth. A shibboleth is a word, phrase, or mannerism that a group of people uses as a test to see if other people are members of that group. It might also be a joke. For example: There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those that understand binary code, and those that don’t. […]

Truman, Missouri, and music

President Truman was a musician and a Missourian. However, he didn’t care much for our state song, The Missouri Waltz: “It’s a ragtime song and if you let me say what I think–I don’t give a [expletive deleted] about it, but I can’t say it out loud because it’s the song of Missouri. It’s as […]

New Posts

Okay, I am back and ready to post… well I will try to get back to it. My husband has taught me how to schedule a post to be published later so that I can write several and then have them update regularly. I am such a newbie. Sorry for the delay I hope to […]