
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: stuff

First two rules of I.T.

Note: if you don’t work in I.T., this post might be a little too cynical for you. In that case, you will just want to move on to the next post. For the rest of us, however….   Every profession has its own list of rules for succeeding, and I.T. is no different. Unfortunately, our […]

Event ID 4010 with LPR printing

If you ever have to set up LPR printing through Microsoft Windows, you may experience a problem where the print job leaves the host computer, hits the print server, but doesn’t make it to the printer. Checking the event log on the print server may return the following error: “The Line Printer Daemon (LPD) service […]

Kansas City Snow Update

For years I have publicly criticized Kansas City and Jackson County for doing a poor/inadequate/shoddy job of clearing snow from their streets and roads, especially when smaller and poorer Lafayette County could seem to get theirs cleared. I make no apologies for that. However, when I went to work last Wednesday it was Lafayette whose […]

An Isadora Duncan

“This is what they call giving somebody an Isadora Duncan.” –Filmmaker commentary on Who Framed Roger Rabbit, from the scene where Eddie Valiant gets information from R.K. Maroon by feeding Maroon’s tie into a Moviola film editing machine. I actually had to look that one up. Isadora Duncan was a dancer in the early 20th […]