
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Warning: WD Caviar Blue 500GB

Where I work we have a lot of computers that have Western Digital Caviar Blue 500GBhard drives–and we are getting a lot of drive failures. If you have one of these drives in your computer, you need to back your data and/or get a new hard drive as soon as possible.

I will show you two ways of finding out of you have one of these models of hard drives. The first is to simply open your computer up and look at the hard drive (obviously, this only works if your hard drive is reasonably easy to open and access):


The other method is to check the Device Manager. For the purpose of this tutorial I am using Windows 7.

1. Click on Start, right-click on your computer icon, then click Manage.


2. Click on Device Manager and expand Disk Drives. If your hard drive begins with WDC50, it is likely going to die (technically all hard drives die, but in this case I mean soon).


In case you are wondering, ‘How will I know if my Western Digital drive has already died?

  1. You won’t be able to use/access/boot the drive.
  2. If it is hooked up, you can put your ear real close and hear this sound (you may have to turn up your volume for this link):

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