My Dad told us he once worked at a potato chip plant. My brothers and I were fascinated at the prospect of working at such a magical place. “Did they let you eat any of the chips?” we asked. “They let us eat all we wanted,” he replied. We were completely in awe. “They knew that […]
Faith, Books, and Stuff
Category: stories
Before you try pronouncing it with any kind of J sound, I’ll tell you: it’s pronounced MEE-ho, and in Mexican Spanish it’s a term of endearment for boys (mija, MEE-ha for girls). I learned the word from my brother. He heard it from one of his Army buddies, who told this story: “When I was […]
One of my more comically miserable memories involves Star Wars nerds, and lots of ’em. The year is 1997. My friend Dave calls and says he knows this guy named Steve who was trying to put together a big fat Star Wars convention in Kansas City, and the guy needed artists to help. I had […]
‘Pettin’ the zebra’ is a metaphor for being stuffed and mounted, and, more specifically, dead; it was coined by my brothers. They were discussing how unwise it would be to ever attempt to burglarize the house of one of our relatives (the relative in question is a hunter and a taxidermist). While he has a […]
When my wife and I were dating, she was still playing tennis. She said she had an 85 mile-an hour-backhand. I don’t know jack about sports, so I just filed the factoid away. Anyway, we were out on the court, and I was throwing tennis balls across the fence so she could hit them. You […]
If you read my previous post about Whiskey in the Jar, I told you that story so I can tell you this story. Several years ago at a party we were playing Encore, a game where, when given a word or a topic, you have to sing seven consecutive words of a song on that word […]
My dad, Lonnie, had a lot of skills: auto mechanic, aircraft mechanic, small aircraft pilot, welder, torchcutter, and storyteller. You can see how most of those overlap quite a bit. So it was a great surprise when he told me he had taken typing when he was in high school. It came out like this: […]
If you haven’t checked out my brother’s Airgunning blog, now is the time to check it out: his last post about teaching someone how to shoot was good, but his latest story from when he was in basic is a riot.
Warning: this story is not for the squeamish. My friend Timmy was driving down the road. He was also just getting over a cold, and he had to cough. When he coughed, he coughed up some phlegm. While he would have normally just spat it out the window, he hesitated, as he had just washed his […]
Several years ago Jimmy, Timmy, and I were discussing profanity. Jimmy, who almost never uses profanity, mentioned this: “I don’t like to swear; however, I really like the word ‘#$@*!‘ It just sounds cool.” Later in the day while we were getting ready to leave for lunch, Jimmy was taking a long time and we […]