
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: I.T.

Voltron Tech Support: Episode #1

Chat Screen:  Steve: They just wouldn’t listen. Dave: I know, right? Incoming Call: Nancy Chat Screen:  Dave: Carp, it’s Nancy. BRB Call Log: Dave: Voltron Tech Support, this is Dave, how can I help you? Nancy: My lion won’t work. Dave: Excuse me? Nancy: My lion won’t work and I need it working right now. […]

Beats me

If you call someone because you require assistance with something, they may need some information from you. If your response to said inquiry is, ‘beats me,’ that is very rude–you should not be surprised if they in turn are rude to you–or if they do in fact beat you–because you deserve it. You wouldn’t accept such […]

First two rules of I.T.

Note: if you don’t work in I.T., this post might be a little too cynical for you. In that case, you will just want to move on to the next post. For the rest of us, however….   Every profession has its own list of rules for succeeding, and I.T. is no different. Unfortunately, our […]

That’s a nice case

I’m on my third iPhone now, all second-hand, all purchased or traded for. My first was an iPhone 3G, which was great, though it was a little slow, partly due to having to jailbreak it. Then I picked up a 3GS, which was way faster. Now I have an iPhone 4S. The best analogy I […]