
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: humor

Rear-view mirror

One of the ways you can tell whether a car belongs to a man or a woman is to look at the rear-view mirror. For a guy, a rear-view mirror is for looking at things behind him, and, just maybe, a parking pass. For a woman, a rear-view mirror is gallery waiting to be populated. […]

The all-seeing Kaleb

My friend Kaleb notices everything. EVERYTHING. I found this out a few years ago when I started my job. I got up as usual one morning, got dressed, got in my car and went to work. When I stepped out of my car, I looked down and noticed that I had put on two different […]


I was sending a text to my woman, and I was in the process of typing “nuh-uh.” I got as far as “nu-” and my Razr suggested this word: nugatory. I thought some funny programmer had inserted his favorite duuuuude-speak version of negatory, but I was wrong. It’s an adjective of Latin origin meaning “of no […]