
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: humor

Quotable: John Moltz on Acrylic’s sale to Facebook

“Of course, if Google or Facebook or Microsoft or Victor Von Doom showed up at my door with a big sack full of money and another sack full of blow and another sack full of hot cosplayers, rest assured I would jump into the car with them without a single care about whether I had left on the […]

Logos: Ruckman Edition

Logos has long been known for making some of the best Bible study software on the market. They make a number of different packages, designed to match price and needed resources. However, most of their package require the belief a knowledge of Hebrew and Greek–and that exhaustive resources by individuals skilled in those languages– might be […]

jesus vs. santans

One of my Facebook friends posted the following graphic: I didn’t know who or what santans was or were, so I did some googling. It turns out that Santans is a commune in France (not a hippy commune, but our equivalent to a village). It has a population of about 300 people. Here is a picture […]

Lustin’ for a bustin’

Remember back in the old days when gullible people would email you ridiculous urban legends without checking the facts? You know the ones I mean: out of context photo with plenty of JPEG compression artifacts, inaccurate descriptions, poor spelling, lots of all caps and exclamation points, and a story that just seems a wee bit […]