
Faith, Books, and Stuff


The first time I tried Sriracha pepper sauce it was in a peepee jar.

Lemme esplain. I have this friend who works in a hospital–but not in the department where they use said jars for said purpose. She and her coworkers use them for beads and other little odds and ends. Anyway, she was totally hooked on the stuff, and she wanted to share some with me, and she happened to have a bunch of the aforementioned containers available.

At first I thought it was OK–neither glorious nor terrible. She thought it was amazing; she ate it on crackers, apples, anything.

So a few years later I learned to stir fry, and Sriracha quickly became one of the must-have ingredients, long with sesame oil and low-sodium soy sauce.

My boss has a Malaysian friend who insists it is pronounced SREE-racha, not srracha. I’m easy either way.

So, thank you Stacey, for your generous gift. It has now become one of the many things which I can’t abide an absence of.

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