
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Tag: names

Review: A Death in the Venetian Quarter

Alan Gordon’s is one of a series of mysteries set around 1200 AD and based on characters from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. The main characters are jesters who belong to the Fool’s Guild, who in this particular novel attempt to solve a murder and prevent the fall of Constantinople. Judging the book by its cover like […]

What’s in a name?

Most people are familiar with the Biblical story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego It’s funny that some people in the Bible are referred to by their Hebrew names, and others by their Greek or Babylonian names. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego are the false-god-honoring Babylonian names given to three Jewish captives: Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, respectively. Meanwhile, […]


My friend Wilkson always had a hard time with people misreading or mispronouncing his name: Wilkerson, Wilskerin, Wilkerins, Wilskerinson, etc. But I think I have come up with a clean, phonetic replacement: Wilxn. I realize there is a small chance it could be pronounced wilzn, but I’m willing to take my chances.