
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Tag: irish stew

Review: O’Dowd’s Little Dublin at Zona Rosa

Recently Heather and I took a short weekend off together to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary. As most of you know, I love Irish Stew. Unfortunately, it’s hard to find a place that serves it that isn’t called ‘Dan’s House.’ For those of you who don’t know, Irish Stew is lamb, potatoes, carrots, and leeks. […]

MadMan Dan’s Emerald Isle Stew

Just in time for Christmas New Year’s! You wanna make some yourself? Here’s the recipe: MadMan Dan’s Emerald Isle Stew 6 potatoes 5 carrots 5 sticks of celery 6 leeks 1-3 lb lamb shank / leg of lamb salt pepper thyme, (chopped fresh thyme is best, but dried is doable) chicken broth fresh parsley Hardware […]

My Christmas List 2009

Once again I have been asked to provide a Christmas List. You would have thought that people learned after reading last year’s, but you would be wrong. To you readers who did not specifically ask for or hint at what to buy me for Christmas, don’t buy me anything: this is strictly for your amusement. You […]