
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Tag: words


Pronounced SHIB-ol-eth. A shibboleth is a word, phrase, or mannerism that a group of people uses as a test to see if other people are members of that group. It might also be a joke. For example: There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those that understand binary code, and those that don’t. […]


Several years ago Jimmy, Timmy, and I were discussing profanity. Jimmy, who almost never uses profanity, mentioned this: “I don’t like to swear; however, I really like the word ‘#$@*!‘ It just sounds cool.” Later in the day while we were getting ready to leave for lunch, Jimmy was taking a long time and we […]


I was sending a text to my woman, and I was in the process of typing “nuh-uh.” I got as far as “nu-” and my Razr suggested this word: nugatory. I thought some funny programmer had inserted his favorite duuuuude-speak version of negatory, but I was wrong. It’s an adjective of Latin origin meaning “of no […]