
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Tag: books

Bonnet Ripper

n., a romantic novel set in Amish country. The phrase is a play on the term ‘bodice ripper,’ which refers to a typical romance novel. Unlike most romance novels, known for their sexual content, bonnet rippers are entirely chaste–though they may contain as much as a kiss or two. Credit for coining the term goes to […]

Thankful for Twilight

It’s pretty easy and popular to hate Twilight: the hundred year old guy who hangs around a high school, the vampires that aren’t affected by the sun, the sparkles, Kristen Stewart’s expression(s). But the fact is I’m actually thankful for the Twilight series–at least the books. I have always wanted my children to be readers […]

Movie Review: The Hunger Games

I haven’t read The Hunger Games, and haven’t really paid attention to the book series. I had the barest concept of the story from The Baby, who liked the first book, was cool to the second, and hated the third. So I had pretty much no expectations going in. I only went because the girls […]

Quotable: two from Theodore Roosevelt

“Courtesy is as much a mark of a gentleman as courage.” “Don’t hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.” It is difficult to cull from Theodore Roosevelt’s vast store of brilliant quotes. I was barely aware of him outside of Looney Toons caricatures until I read James Chace’s […]

Most loved and overlooked

Probably one of the gifts I most appreciate–and most take for granted–is a gift that is quite common in the 21st century United States. Most people have it, it is free, and it is available to all. In fact, it is even imposed on a good deal of people quite against their wills–as it was […]