“But we are rarely served by haste. We are never served by emphasizing haste at the expense of godly character.” Read the whole article here.
Faith, Books, and Stuff
Tag: Tim Challies
“There is dust enough on some of your Bibles to write ‘damnation’ with your fingers.” —Charles Spurgeon via Tim Challies
“murder rates in Canada are low, he said, partly because “it’s quite rude to murder someone.”” from Eric Weiner’s article Can Canada teach the rest of us to be nicer? via Tim Challies
n., “a statement in which you pretend to be modest but which you are really using as a way of telling people about your success or achievements.” The word was recently added to the dictionary. Tim Challies, where I first heard the word, has an excellent tutorial on how to humblebrag effectively.
n., a romantic novel set in Amish country. The phrase is a play on the term ‘bodice ripper,’ which refers to a typical romance novel. Unlike most romance novels, known for their sexual content, bonnet rippers are entirely chaste–though they may contain as much as a kiss or two. Credit for coining the term goes to […]