
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Update, on everything.

First, let me thank you all for your prayers, cards and food. I was not anticipating spending three days in the hospital and I appreciate everything. I haven’t updated in quite a while so I plan on doing several all in one post. My husband hates seeing my posts cause he thinks I should separate ideas more, so here goes my love.


     I was supposed to go in and get out of the hospital on the same day but things didn’t work out that way. The overall surgery went well and that dang gall bladder is history.
     What happened to make me stay in the hospital for three days, my heart. Apparently it didn’t like the anesthetic very much and did a couple extra jumps during the surgery. I also did not come out from under the anesthetic like I was supposed to. Most people are awake and walking out after about 2 hours. As of 5-6 hours after surgery I was still sleeping away. The doctors were worried enough to keep me for 23 hour observation in ICU. They hooked me up to a heart monitor and let me sleep. When I was awake (for 30 seconds) I had chest pain so they took an x-ray of my chest and found trapped air in my chest cavity. This, they said, was ‘probably’ what was causing my chest pains. Okay, that is a little reassuring.
     While I was dreaming the nurses (who were fantastic) noticed that my heart rate dropped to 37 and wouldn’t get about 70 when I was awake (even if I was up going to the bathroom or walking the halls). I was also not breathing as deep as they wanted and my oxygen level was low so that was monitored also.  
     On Friday Dr. Singh did some more blood tests and everything came back okay. He ordered a C.A.T. Scan to see why I wasn’t breathing well and what could be causing my pain. He originally thought that it could be a blood clot in my lung (not good) but it wasn’t. They kept me Friday because my oxygen level, my breathing and pain hadn’t gotten better. Saturday showed up with a lot of snow and Dr. Singh told me I could finally go home. Yeah! 
    So, what we found out was (1) my gall bladder was infected and needed to come out (2) I have some kind of hernia that allowed air to move from my abdomen to my chest cavity and (3) I might have sleep apnea. Thank goodness all that is over.


I have now been on my diet for going on 13 weeks and I have lost… drum roll please… 45 pounds. Now, take into consideration that I just got done having surgery and this doesn’t seem like a big amount. But to me it is. I am still going strong and am looking forward to dropping another 50 at least. Yes, I was way over weight.

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