
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Jesse James and Caves

Missouri is known as the Cave State; we have over 6,000 caves.

Besides caves, Missouri also has the most famous outlaw of the Old West: Jesse James.

On the surface, it doesn’t seem like those two facts have anything to do with one another. However, every cave you visit in Missouri has a sign stating that Jesse James once used this cave as a hideout.

And it doesn’t stop with caves. Pretty much any rock formation that a person of moderate size and intelligence could hide in becomes a past hiding spot for the outlaw.

Please don’t think I’m trying to be a killjoy; I’m not saying that Jesse James didn’t hide out in every cave, hollow, karst feature, and rock pile in Missouri. All I’m saying is that none of the photos of the outlaw appear to depict him with pasty albino skin and over-large eyes.

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