
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Month: April 2009

Wilxn and the cow

My friend Wilxn was telling me about the time when he was 12 and he and some friends found a dead cow. “It was all dead and bloated,” he started. “So I grabbed a long stick–” “You poked it?” I asked incredulously. “I didn’t even get the chance,” he said. “It just exploded!”


My friend Wilkson always had a hard time with people misreading or mispronouncing his name: Wilkerson, Wilskerin, Wilkerins, Wilskerinson, etc. But I think I have come up with a clean, phonetic replacement: Wilxn. I realize there is a small chance it could be pronounced wilzn, but I’m willing to take my chances.

Review: Steel’s Used Christian Books

Steel’s Used Christian Books has one of the absolute best selections of any used bookstore I have ever seen. Not only do they carry religious books of several orthodox and non-orthodox Christian denominations, as well as complete other religions. They also carry books on history, mythology, and various other odds and ends. When I was […]

Rear-view mirror

One of the ways you can tell whether a car belongs to a man or a woman is to look at the rear-view mirror. For a guy, a rear-view mirror is for looking at things behind him, and, just maybe, a parking pass. For a woman, a rear-view mirror is gallery waiting to be populated. […]