
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: words

Hideously modest

A friend of mine wears very conservative, one-piece swimsuits. She had left her swimsuit and shorts over at a friend’s house, but she didn’t remember where she left them. The friend didn’t know whose they were, so she threw them away. A couple weeks later she emailed my friend the bad news, having recently realized […]

Donkeys, horses, asses, and mules: part 3

The mascot of the University of Central Missouri (formerly Central Missouri State University) is the mule, and male athletes there are called mules. However, female athletes are called jennies (the name for a female donkey) instead of mollies (the name for a female mule). Several years ago they had the mascot redesigned to be more […]

Donkeys, horses, asses, and mules: part 1

For those of you confused about the difference between donkeys, asses, and mules (I assume you can identify horses), this is for you. I hope I get all the terminology right, because each creature gets it own word based on gender, species, parentage, and whether or not it (in the case of males) has been […]

Valentine’s Leftovers

In my post yesterday I kept trying to find a way to abbreviate ‘Valentine’s Day’ (besides just leaving off the ‘St.’ like everyone else). After all, we abbreviate ‘Christmas’ as ‘Xmas.’ But how would we abbreviate Valentine’s Day? Expressing it as ‘VD’ just doesn’t sound right for a holiday that celebrates love. Still, it wouldn’t […]

Collective platypuses

You are probably familiar with some of the more colorful collective nouns used for groups of particular animals, such as a crash of rhinoceroses or a spoonful of pandas. A group of crows is a murder, while a group of ravens is merely an unkindness. I decided to look up what a group of platypuses […]