
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: stuff


Sooo…I haven’t posted for a while (duh). No apologies, just taking a break. No promises when I will update again, but check back again in October. Go out and enjoy your autumn, the prince of seasons.

Fus Do Clean!

So I was cleaning my study. I hate cleaning. But once in a while, usually while on vacation, I get this urge to clean. Everything. Yes, I’ve seen the meme. The problem with me cleaning, even when I am enjoying it, is that I clean the way I play Skyrim. No, I don’t mean I enter […]

Christmas 2011 Thank Yous

Ran into my friend Logan last summer. He apologized for not having replied to my email–from two years ago. He said he started a reply, but every time he went to send it he ended up revising it and  it is still in his Drafts folder. It sounded funny at the time, but I now […]


Apparently Dennis Rodman has finally met his father. “Philander Rodman Jr., who has acknowledged fathering 29 children by 16 mothers, says he was happy and surprised that his son agreed to meet him late Wednesday.” 29 children by 16 mothers. Wow. Anyway, that’s kind of an unusual name. Philander. What’s that mean, anyhow? According to […]