
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: stuff


So I learned another word in my sleep. Quite some time ago I posted how I had learned a word in my sleep–pickle-faced–and it was a word I hadn’t ever heard until my dream. Two nights ago it happened again. In my dream the word wasn’t explained. “I killed three buntos,” the guy said. When […]

Personal question

Last week when we were at the store picking up a couple of things, a clerk named Rachel had helped us. She is in high school. When Heather went back a couple days ago, Rachel was working again. “Can I ask you a personal question?” she asked Heather as she rung he up. “Suuurrrre,” said […]

Movies better than their books

People usually say that books are always better than the movies made from them. I can think of a few exceptions, whose movies are markedly better than their source material. I don’t intend to provide any justification for my view; it’s just a list: Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, based on Who Censored Roger Rabbit? by […]