
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: stuff

MadMan Dan’s Amazing Christmas List 2011

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, time for children and snowmen and reindeer and presents. I believe some of the locals also observe some sort of minor commemoration, something about the birth of someone who would pay for the sins of mankind or something; as a Sunday School teacher I am a pretty […]

Dumpster Divin’

Way back in the day the 9-530 crew at work was awesome. It consisted of me, Kaleb, Jimmy, and Timmy. One night close to Christmas we clocked out together and headed to the shuttle. On the way we passed a certain department. The custodians had left a dumpster outside the department, and they had discarded […]

Superheroes in brown

Superheroes and superheroines can wear a lot of colors: red, blue, yellow, and to a lesser extent, green. Sometimes black* or white or silver or gold. Villains corner the market on most of the black, as well as green, orange, and purple. Funny that heroes use largely primary colors, while villains largely use secondary. But […]

Age, maturity, boringness, and flatware

As I age and mature I find myself thinking about, for birthday and Christmas, fewer impractical extravagances (pirate hat, Tesla coil) and more practical needs (debt reduction, flatware). The side effect is that I am becoming boring. Before you no doubt object, remember that I have mentioned ‘flatware’ twice already. I used to be largely […]


n. tobacco juice, or perhaps more accurately, tobacco spit. From now on when I highlight a word, I am going to try to, as the OED does, offer a quotation. In this case, a story: So we’re all sitting around playing D&D: Me, Mike, Kevin, and other people unimportant to this story. Kevin and I […]

attendance quiz

Back when I was in art school, I served two semesters of hard time in Dr. McDermott’s ‘art in the dark’ (art history) class. I both loathed and loved that class; it was so amazingly hard and fascinating at the same time. McDermott was thoroughly convinced that you could not learn the history of art […]